Tricky Tracks Photo Library

Tricky Tracks Photo Library


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Introduction to Track Photo Library

Preparing track photos for the web is far less consuming than drawing track graphics. Photos reflect more of the real world and may stimulate teachers and students to take their own track photos to share in class. Collections of digital and printed track photos would be valuable resources.

The best times for taking track photos is early morning or late afternoon on sunny days. Stark shadows make the tracks stand out better.  It is best to experiment with sun position, camera angle and time of day. It is hard to see tracks clearly when they are too far away. Black and white photos are just as effective and cheaper to print and duplicate.

Footprints BW

Click on the images below to enlarge them.

You have permission to download, copy and distribute images but they are not to be altered, sold, published on websites or included in any publication. 

Tricky Track Photos

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