Communication Skills
Often it is Difficult to Understand You Because of the Static
Part 1 - The Mangled Message
Say What You Mean & Mean What You Say Introduction to Communication Skills LANGUAGE IS MORE THAN THE NOISE WE MAKE Have you ever had a disagreement with someone over something they 'thought' you said? Have you ever had a disagreement with someone over something you 'thought' someone else said? Yes, it is a two-way street, and there are many reasons why conflict arises because of the way we use language.
Part 2 - Body Language
What You Do Speaks Louder Than What You Say A Look Says More Than a Thousand Words LISTENING IN TO BODY LANGUAGE Have you felt uneasy in someone's presence and you didn't know why? You may have felt nervous or even fearful, but it did not have anything to do with what they said. Some people call it 'vibes' or a 'sixth sense.'
Part 3 - Listening Well
Learn to Listen Without Hidden Agendas